Hi guys we are back! It's been raining so much these days, like everyday! We all know something is wrong with the weather. We're living in the global warming era guys! *cue for screams*
While it's just raining here in Singapore, at the Artic, ice caps are melting like no one's business, affecting the numbers of our dear polar bear friends. Have you ever wondered why they are diminishing so quickly in numbers?
You will say probably say, "it is caused by global warming". Yes you're right, but not entirely. There are many reasons for the decrease in numbers day by day, month by month, year by year, decade by decade.. Okay. I know you get the drift. The words "global warming" is like the "ïn phrase". Anything to do with weird weather, we blame global warming. But what exactly is global warming?
So yes! We will now blog on these issues which will enlighten your knowledge on polar bears. (I'm sure you wanna know. *death stare*)
Carbon dioxide, methane and other greenhouse gases are gases that used to be able to leave the Earth's atmosphere. But in recent years, due to the increased number of these greenhouse gases from activities like farming, usage of air-conditioners, these gases are unable to escape from the Earth's atmosphere, and causes the Earth’s temperature to rise. This is known as the Greenhouse Effect, and prolonged Greenhouse Effect is called global warming.
This change in temperature affects life in the Arctic; home of the polar bears.
This is the result:
Harsher or constant storms - Causes some polar bears to drown while hunting for food.
Warmer temperatures - Melts Polar ice caps and causes sea levels to rise. Polar bears have to adapt to this, but it might be too fast for them to adapt and this can cause them to struggle which can eventually lead to deaths for various reasons such as drowning.
Scarce food - Due to global warming, the waters in the Arctic are getting warmer, resulting in Arctic animals migrating to colder waters. One of those animals are seals, which are a polar bear's main diet. Because they are now gone, there is lesser food in the surroundings, causing polar bears to starve and die. Some polar bears even started eating plants on land! This doesn't give them the energy they need. It's not even what their made to eat!